
WE offer access to performing arts experiences for under-served youth that ordinarily may not have the same opportunities or access to the arts. Whether due to the lack of accessibility because of location or extraneous program participation costs. Whatever the reason, we want to alleviate those concerns for the parents and more importantly the youth. WE make this program available to all youth that are willing to apply themselves. And we especially want to reach those who aspire to be active in the arts and need that extra help with figuring it out.

WE offer a hands-on experience, where participants can learn the skill of performance or processes of what they are interested in such as stage managing or any other interest from beginning to end. WE offer participants a full range of experiences that help them to develop their spark, the thing(s) they are most passionate about. A requirement for their participation is that our participants must maintain good grades while in the program, we monitor this regularly.

WE help promote creativity, self-esteem and develop critical-thinking, practical skills and experiences that can have life-changing effects in a safe environment.